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9 Types of Alocasia Varieties You’ll Want to Buy

Here at Wild Interiors, we offer dozens of different varieties of plants. Everyone has their favorites for different reasons, but today we wanted to dive into more detail about one of our most often asked about plants; Alocasias! 

These stunning plants have large leaves, often with unique texture and veining. However, you may go to your store and find one, unable to find its variety. Some leaves are smooth and glossy, while others are matte and knobby. Naturally found in tropical rainforests, Alocasias are easy to care for and range from about 14-18 inches tall; this makes them the perfect size for shelves, desks, and tabletops! 

Before we jump into the kinds of Alocasias, let’s first cover some of the simple care tips for Alocasias.  

Water: Alocasias prefer to have moist soil. That doesn’t mean you should add a large amount of water but check your soil often and add some water when it feels dry. Overwatering your plant can lead to root rot, and none of us want to deal with that. 

Light: Alocasias prefer bright, but indirect lighting. If you keep them near a window that receives a lot of sun, make sure to use a sheer curtain to diffuse some light. You can keep Alocasias in the same spot all year, just be aware of the extra sunlight in the summer. 

Temperature: Alocasias prefer to be in a space between 65 and 85 degrees. They do like humidity, so a bathroom (with natural light) would be a good space. Do your best to keep them away from drafts and vents.  

Now that we’ve covered the care for these stunning foliage plants, we are ready to talk about the varieties we offer here at Wild Interiors.  

Alocasia Varieties 

Black Velvet 

This stunning Alocasia variety lives up to its name. With large, deep green leaves that mimic a velvet-like texture. Upon feeling the leaves, they do feel slightly softer than other Alocasia varieties. If you want a showstopper in your collection, this would be a terrific addition! 

Silver Nebula 

The unique veining on this Alocasia makes it really stand out among other foliage plants. The silver color on top of rich, green leaves almost looks airbrushed. The deep green veining between the brushed silver makes the leaves look like they have deep ridges. The color makes the leaves appear as if they have a wax-like texture too!  

Melo Light 

The Melo Light is a beautiful Alocasia variety but is much simpler compared to some of the others on this list. The leaves have a unique, raised texture, which makes a statement. However, there isn’t much of a color difference between the leaves and the veining, making this variety blend in well within a group of foliage.  

Melo Dark 

Similar to Melo Light, this is a stunning variety that has a similar leaf and veining color but is much darker than the Melo Light variety. A rich, deep green leaf – almost teetering on black gives this variety a unique look, especially in contrast to the lighter green stems. This plant will stand out among your plant collection.  

Cuprea Red 

This variety is so different from any others on this list, as the shiny leaves take on almost a two-toned appearance. In some lighting, you’ll see the deep red, almost burgundy tone on the leaves. In others, a shiny, dark green will be present. Either way, you will truly find that each plant’s color is slightly different, making this a great statement plant.  


This variety is somewhat of a ‘classic’ Alocasia, as it’s a common variety that many plant lovers are familiar with. Deep green, soft leaves are contrasted by light green, almost cream veining. The light colored stems make the leaves pop even more. If you want a solid choice for your collection, grab this one! 

Pink Dragon 

There’s no mistaking what makes this variety unique, as it’s in the name! This variety of Alocasia has stunning light pink stems, that make it the true superstar of your collection. Light green leaves contrast beautifully with the stems, making this Alocasia a true beauty. 

Dragon Scale 

Like the silver nebula variety, this variety has a silver-like color on its leaves that looks airbrushed. The leaves have somewhat of a puffy look to them, making them seem larger than some of the other varieties.  


The narrow leaves on this variety make this Alocasia stand out among its fellow varieties. Like others, it has dark green, shiny leaves with very light green or cream veining. The unique, skinny leaves make this plant have a slight drop to it as it grows.