Wild Interiors

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Will Music Help My Plants Grow?

As plant parents, we all want what’s best for them and many of us are willing to try some unique techniques if they need more from us. 

But could music be the hidden secret to plant success? 

This has been somewhat of a hot topic for many years now. Can playing music for or around your plants make a difference in their development? While science isn’t exactly straightforward on this topic, let’s talk about it. 

If you think music can help your plants, the first step is creating the right playlist. If you don’t want to spend the time on it, Spotify has one already put together

The history behind this goes back to the mid-1900s. Scientists put plants in multiple locations, all in the same conditions, letting them listen to different genres of music and news. The plants that listened to music thrived.   

Of course, we know our plants don’t have ears. However, they can feel vibrations – which could be how the music affects their growth. Truthfully, since those earlier studies, there isn’t much science to support this though. Sometimes music seems to help plants thrive, other times it doesn’t. 

So how do you decide if your plants want to jam out with you? That’s your call. 

If you like to listen to music, go for it. There isn’t any science showing it’s harmful for your plants, so as long as they are getting the other care they need, listening to some tunes shouldn’t be an issue. 

If you’re more of a quiet person, that’s fine too. Again, with the right care, your plants will thrive regardless of the background noise.  

Let us know, what kind of vibes are your plants into? Rock? Classical? Are they Swifties? We’d love to hear from you!  

Which one will you grab? Message or tag us on Instagram or  Facebook so we can see what you picked up! 

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