What is a Fern and Fern Varieties

Ferns are ancient and functionally fascinating plants. First appearing on the Earth as long ago as 358.9 million years, these plants predate flowers - instead of reproducing through flowers and seeds, these unique plants produce spores underneath their leafy fronds. In our homes today, ferns can provide a texturally interesting contrast to the average house plant. Let’s dig into the damp soil of some of our favorite fern friends!

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Is Distilled Water or Filtered Water Good for Plants?

Do you have a preference when it comes to water? Maybe you enjoy a nice cold glass of flavored water, seltzer water, tap water, or bottled water. Whatever it may be, you probably have a favorite that you grab when grocery shopping. But did you know that plants have a preference for water, too? That’s right. If you wouldn’t put your fish in it you probably shouldn’t be giving it to your plants!  

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Peperomia Care and Varieties

When it comes to foliage plants, there are thousands of varieties. Today, we want to talk about one of our favorite genus which we grow here at Wild Interiors, peperomia!  

We currently grow about 8 different varieties of the gorgeous plant, but that often changes over time as we discover new kinds and improve our greenhouses.  

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