Care Instructions

Plants need light and water - but how much? Follow our guidelines for your succulent or foliage to make sure your plant stays healthy.

First things first, make sure you’re looking up the right care! Succulents are included in our Desert Retreat habitat and should follow the succulent care instructions below. Any plant from the Woodland Whimsy, Tropical Oasis, or Bohemian Dreams habitats should follow the foliage instructions.



Sunlight: Place foliage in a sunny room for indirect, natural light. If you need to move them into an area of more or less light, do so gradually if possible.

Watering: Water your foliage frequently enough to maintain damp soil. If the soil is dry to the touch, or if you pick up the plant and notice it feels lighter than usual, then it’s time to re-water.

Watch out for:

  • Over-watering - An over-watered plant will wilt and its roots will start to rot, with soupy soil. You want the soil to be damp, not soaking.

  • Under-watering - An under-watered plant displays curled, crispy leaves with crusty soil.

Temperature: Keep your foliage at room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and cold. An ideal temperature range is between 65℉-85℉.

Grooming: Regularly remove any dead leaves from your plant, which will help them grow full and uniform in their container. Keep an eye out for new “baby plants” in your pot, which can be repotted in their own container.



Sunlight: Place your succulent in bright, indirect sunlight. If you need to move them into an area of more or less light, do so gradually if possible.

Watch out for:

  • Sunburn - Brown or black spots on your succulent’s leaves mean it’s getting too much direct sun. Move it to a less sunny spot.

  • Stretching - Spaced out leaves on a stretching succulent stem mean the plant is seeking more light. Move it to a sunnier location.

Watering: Water your succulent by removing the plastic grower pot from your outer clay pot. Pour in about one inch of water, then place the grower pot back inside. The soil will soak up water from the bottom to help avoid over-watering. Allow succulents to dry completely between waterings.

Watch out for:

  • Over-watering - An over-watered succulent is susceptible to rotting roots. Make sure you let the soil dry between waterings and avoid pots that don’t drain or release moisture.

  • Under-watering - An under-watered succulent has curled, crispy leaves with crusty soil.

Temperature: Keep your succulent around room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and cold. An ideal temperature range is between 65℉-85℉.

Grooming: Regularly remove any dead leaves from your plant to promote full and uniform growth. You can propagate new succulents by removing leaves and planting them.


Signature Foliage

Sunlight: Keep foliage from the Signature Collection in medium light with partial shade. Some varieties can handle a little more or less light, so check each plant's care blog for more detailed care. 

Watering: Watering instructions vary by plant. Water your Signature Collection foliage frequently enough to maintain 1-2 inches of damp soil. If the soil is dry to the touch, or if you pick up the plant and notice it feels lighter than usual, then it’s time to re-water.  

Alocasia likes to stay in moist/damp soil, so do not let Alocasia dry out.

Sansevieria and ZZ Plant like to stay dry, so water sparingly and allow soil to dry between waterings.

Watch out for:

  • Over-watering - An over-watered plant will wilt and its roots will start to rot, with soupy soil. You want the soil to be damp, not soaking.

  • Under-watering - An under-watered plant displays curled, crispy leaves with crusty soil.

Temperature: Keep your Signature Collection foliage at room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and cold. An ideal temperature range is between 65℉-85℉. Some of our Signature varieties can handle a little warmer or cooler temperatures, so check your plant's detailed care blog.

Grooming: Regularly remove any dead leaves from your plant, which will help them grow full and uniform in their container. If your plant seems to be losing its leaves, check your plant's care blog for leaf drop tips and other detailed instructions to keep your plant happy and healthy. 

Care Blogs: