Benefits of Plants at Work: Are You a Biophiliac?


Do you enjoy the sound of a cascading waterfall, tending to your own garden, collecting a jungle of houseplants, or even just watching nature related programs on TV? If you’re reading this, chances are that you do. And if that is the case, you just might be a biophiliac! 

What is Biophilia? 

Don’t worry, it’s nothing to be ashamed of- it’s actually quite beautiful! Biophilia is the belief of a human’s innate tendency to interact with or connect to nature. “Bio”, meaning “life” and “philia”, meaning “a love or tendency toward something”- the Latin roots of the word biophilia literally translates to “love of life”, or in this case, “love of nature”. 

The act of bringing the outdoors in is not a new way of thinking by any means. In fact, the term biophilia was coined in 1964 by philosopher Erich Fromm and popularized two decades later by American biologist Edward O. Wilson. Wilson was a naturalist advocate who believed humans functioned far greater when surrounded by the elements of nature (we would definitely get along great with these guys). 

Using Biophilic Design to Connect to Nature

The incorporation of natural design elements and decor is called biophilic design. It is often practiced within the interior design of homes, offices, and other indoor spaces today. The next time you’re walking around any office building, try looking for bits of biophilic design. Common elements that are inspired by this practice are the use of indoor plants, water features, large potted trees, fireplaces and more! Basically anything that reminds you of the great outdoors that is placed inside, is in someway a form of biophilic design. 

By simply recalling any commonly used space where humans gather, you probably have a few places in mind where you can point out nature focused design elements. Hotel lobbies, shopping malls, and even your own home are all places that might showcase glimpses of biophilic design. It is no secret that plants and other nature inspired elements bring life and many other benefits to living spaces, so why not bring the outdoor energy into the office?

Why Have a Green Space at Work?

Plants, among other natural elements, have the power to completely transform a space. Just thinking about blank white walls, sterile cubicles, and minimal office decor has us yawning already. Read on to view why hiring some plants as your new coworkers can be beneficial for the whole office. 

  1. Plants Reduce Stress- A significant amount of studies have shown that when plants are within the line of sight in the office, they help reduce stress and anxiety levels. 

  2. Having a Green Space Boosts Creativity- Nature helps relax people and allows them to concentrate better. Offices with natural elements have been found to boost creativity by 15% as opposed to those without. 

  3. Plants Make an Office Visually Appealing- Plants and other natural elements help create a serene place for employees and a positive brand image to visitors. They also make quite the impressive impression as your background on company video calls!

  4. Plants Absorb Noise- Create a plant wall by strategically placing large floor plants between desks.Their leaves will absorb and retract sounds, so your workspace will become just a bit more peaceful. 

  5. Some Foliage Can Improve Air Quality- In 1989, NASA conducted a study that discovered plants have the ability to absorb harmful indoor air pollutants, especially when it is a small and enclosed space. Some plants help absorb air toxins that are found in common household items such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, mold, and more! You’d be surprised what toxins your modern furniture, cleaning supplies, rugs, and other synthetic materials are giving off!

How to Incorporate Plants in the Office

Whether you work from home or have a desk at a large corporate office, keeping plants near you while you work will provide you with numerous benefits. But what does an optimized green space look like? Follow these suggestions to step up your green game and improve your company culture!

  1. Place a plant (or a few) at each workstation- Having a personal plant to interact with and take care of will help boost the mood, productivity, and overall happiness of you and your co-workers. Check out these 7 plants that will be great additions to your desk!

  1. Style a relaxing environment with multiple sized plants- If a couple small plant desk buddies are mood boosting, imagine what a variety of large and medium plants will do! Try making a space that is a nice change of pace from just a boring desk. Use couches, lounge chairs, rugs, decorative pillows, and plants to make a space warm, comfy, and inviting. 

  1. Create a Natural Vibe- Arrange your plants randomly, as they would be in nature. Place smaller plants under the canopy of larger plants, group them in clusters, and choose plants with different patterns and colors. Doing this will give the office a more intrinsic feel and in turn make all of your biophilic co-workers feel right at home. 

  1. Maximize Your Biophilic Design- Use other innate elements to compliment your plants such as hanging artwork of animals or nature, increasing the natural light, and decorating with earthy tones. 

Are You a Biophiliac?

If you have a small jungle of your own, decorate with neutral colors, and enjoy connecting to nature regularly, you most definitely are a biophiliac. Welcome to the club! Your love of nature does not need to stop at the door of your office. It should be celebrated and has even been proven to create a more productive and beneficial work environment! Show us your workplace plants by tagging @wild_interiors on Instagram! 

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