Celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day


Did you know that January 10th is National Houseplant Appreciation Day? If you’re not already appreciating your houseplants every day, there is in fact a special day dedicated to celebrating your favorite blooming and foliage friends. Early January is the perfect time for a fun holiday like this. The Christmas and New Years’ holidays are over, decorations are down and we may be feeling a little blue. Now is the perfect time to spruce up your space with a cheerful houseplant or two!  So what exactly is Houseplant Appreciation Day and what are some ways you can celebrate? We’ve rounded up some of our favorite ideas and blog posts to help you celebrate National Houseplant day!

Why Celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day?

This is simple. Houseplants are awesome and deserve appreciation. They do so much for us without asking for much in return. Plants have known qualities that purify the air in our homes. They can absorb harmful toxins in the air that may be coming from household items or cleaners. Having 2-3 indoor plants for every 100 square feet of your living space can make a difference in air quality. Not only will they purify the air, but plants also give off their own humidity in a process called transpiration. Having enough plants in a certain room or space will increase the humidity in the air which can be especially helpful in the dry winter months of the year.

Plants not only make our spaces look great and are amazing pieces of living decor, they have also been shown to have immense mental health benefits to those who own them. The same feelings of relaxation and calm we get when out in nature can be enjoyed in your home when surrounding yourself with the green glow of houseplants. Studies have also shown that the calming effects of nature can reduce stress and lower blood pressure. There’s no question that plants can boost our moods!

How to Celebrate.

  • There are several different ways to celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day. If you don’t own a houseplant, go out and purchase one! We promise you won’t regret it. Here are our recommendations on the best houseplants for beginners. Low maintenance plant varieties like ZZ plants, pothos, snake plants (among others) won’t stress you out with tricky care requirements and are the perfect way to dip your toes into the plant parenthood world. Be sure to also check out our must-know tips for houseplant beginners.

  • If you are already a proud plant owner, consider a new addition to your collection. Have you been eyeing the plant section at your local grocery store lately but pass on by telling yourself you have too many plants already? Quiet that little voice for one day and celebrate houseplants by giving one a home! We promise that your current plant family will welcome it with open arms (err should we say leaves?). 

  • Spend National Houseplant day giving your current plant crew some extra TLC. Do the tasks you know you should be doing but have been putting off. Wipe and dust plants leaves, trim or prune where needed, check to see if any plants may be getting close to needing to be repotted. Also consider buying some special indoor plant food, if any of your plants are due for fertilizing. There’s no better way to appreciate your houseplants than to make sure they are well cared for.

  • Decorate with plants! Rearrange your plants and enjoy them in different spaces in your home. Just make sure the lighting and temperature conditions are similar in the spot you’re moving the plants to as plants can be sensitive to even slight environmental changes. Also, consider new decorative pots to dress up your plants and accent your existing decor.

  • Accessorize! Buy a fun new watering can or mister. Consider a new plant hanger or plant stand. Educate and entertain yourself with a new plant themed book! (reading aloud to your plants is optional!)

However you choose to celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day, we hope that you and your plants have a wonderful day! Share your plans with us on @wild_interiors Instagram!