Greenhouse Happenings: Meet Wild Interiors Grower, Hannah!

Growing and nurturing your Wild Interiors plants before they head to stores or your home is the rewarding job of our dedicated Growing Team. Working day in and out, using conscious growing practices, our grower’s expertise and knowledge are behind the healthy, high-quality Wild Interiors plants you know and love! We’re excited to kick off a new blog series where we introduce you to some of the faces behind the plants. Meet Hannah Heard from our Wild Interiors Growing Team!

Meet the Grower - Hannah Heard

Where did you get your start, and what led you to become a grower? 

I grew up on a farm, so taking care of plants or animals has always been a part of me.  If I came across a new plant I immediately wanted to know the name of it. 

What is your background in horticulture?

I started working in small greenhouse and landscaping operations during summer breaks from college. Later in my college career, I completed internships at a conservatory/public garden and in commercial landscaping. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture from West Virginia University. 

How long have you been working with plants? 

Professionally for about 15 years.

What is your favorite part about being a grower? 

My favorite part of the job is watching a crop develop from a tiny transplant to a full-sized plant and then seeing those plants in stores, I know that “Hey, I grew that!”

What is the most challenging part about being a grower? 

The most challenging part of growing is reminding non-growers that we all work in a greenhouse, not a factory and we’re all dealing with living things that require constant light, care, and water

Do you have a favorite plant to grow? If so, why?

Pachira, because they are different than anything else I have grown!  

Can you share a care tip for your favorite plant?

For Pachira, they are such tough plants that sometimes they need less care. I often see them getting overwatered and I tell friends and family to ignore them for a week or two. 

If you could go anywhere in the world to see plant production, where would you go and why? 

Likely the Netherlands, the motherland of plant production.

What’s one houseplant sitting in your home right now? 

Just one?  ;)

For more information on how your Wild Interiors plants are grown, check out this blog post on Your Plant’s Journey!

Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes looks at the Wild Interiors team in upcoming blog posts. Do you have a question you’d like our next featured grower to answer? Send it to us @wild_interiors on Instagram.