Top 5 Easiest Wild Interiors Plants To Care For

Plants can seem intimidating, but they don’t need to be! Finding the perfect plant for your home, office or to give as a gift shouldn’t be hard. It can be less scary to make sure you start with something that doesn’t ask much from you.  

We’re here to help you find a place to start with some of the easiest plants to take care of. Whether it’s for you or a loved one who doesn’t exactly have a green thumb, these plants will thrive with minimal attention.  

Snake Plant

This beautiful succulent plant does well in bright to medium light and will actually help purify your air (bonus!) This is great if you’re a traveler, or just forget to water sometimes – as a snake plant can go 2-3 weeks without water. Just keep an eye on the leaves, if they start to brown or look dry, it’s time to water. 

Since they grow vertically, they don’t take up a lot of space either, making them a perfect plant for a small space in your home. They may ask for a bit more water during the summer or if they see more sunlight, but typically they shouldn’t need water more than every few weeks. 


If you’re looking for something that can handle almost any indoor environment, a pothos may be the plant for you! It likes medium to bright light but can handle low light as well. Its vines grow quickly and can reach lengths of 10 feet! It needs water every week or two and if the vines feel too long, you can just give them a quick trim. 

If you’re worried about watering, pothos does like to dry out between waterings – so you can use the soil or the leaves to indicate if more water is needed. It will thrive in a hanging basket, so the vines can truly thrive – but you can put it in a pot as well, as long as you leave room for it to grow!  

ZZ Plant

If you’re looking for a plant that really doesn’t need you that much, a ZZ plant could be the perfect fit! They do need bright, indirect light but only need water every few weeks – perfect for those who travel! They store water under their soil, which means they can last a while without you giving them more. 

The ZZ plant can also go dormant, while it stays green, during the cooler months and if the soil isn’t completely dried out, it doesn’t need water! They do need a bit of space, as they can reach 2-3' tall when fully mature. 

Green is best for ZZ plants too. If the leaves seem to appear a bit yellow, you’re overwatering. 

Spider Plant

Another low maintenance choice is the Spider plant! You can grow it in a pot or hanging basket and it will thrive if it has space to droop over the edge. Any indoor environment is good for these, but if you can give them an area with a bit of humidity – they'll do even better.  

They do enjoy moist but not soaked soil, so that’s a great way to see if water is needed. The roots of the Spider plant can hold onto a bit of water as well. They don’t love bright sunlight and can handle fluorescent lighting, so this may be the perfect office plant for you!  


This plant is popular because of its unique look. You may see some people referring to Monsteras as ‘Swiss cheese plants’ on occasion. While holes in leaves usually aren’t a good sign for plants, it’s actually the signature of the Monstera!  

They can still thrive with semi-dry soil, so if you’re a bit inconsistent with your watering – it'll be okay. They also love bright, indirect light and you can dust your leaves here and there to keep them shiny. 

Monstera’s thrive in most indoor environments, but if you can give them some humidity, they’ll love that too. 

Which one will you grab? Message or tag us on Instagram or  Facebook so we can see what you picked up!