Real Life Plant Parents: Lisa H.


This month’s Real Life Plant Parent is Lisa, a middle school art teacher with a home and classroom full of plant babies that she says “bring joy, serenity, beauty, and variety to my life.” We 100% agree! She has over 50 plants at home with more in her classroom at school, and her students can’t believe they’re all real. Get to know her plants in this interview - and don’t forget to submit your own story to be included in a future post! 

Nature vs. nurture


We asked Lisa how she got started as a plant parent and it turns out her love of nature was nurtured from childhood. 

I grew up in a house full of plants! My mom and grandma are both plant parents so I have always been surrounded by plants. Throughout college I started collecting plants for my dorm room, and my collection grew when I moved into an apartment. I'm very certain that as I keep moving into bigger living spaces, my collection will continue to grow!

A TLC expert 


Lisa’s seven-year foray into plant parenthood has brought her plants from many unexpected places and she’s not shy about giving plants a chance who just need a little extra attention. She doesn’t show any signs of slowing down and seems like a plant parent for life. 

I have a few plants with unique stories. I have a peace lily and a corn plant that both came from dumpsters! With some TLC, they have both been thriving for a few years now. I have a pothos and a philodendron that came from my grandma's house that are each at least 10 years old. My biggest cactus, now 24 inches tall now, was given to me by a college professor. I had to walk across campus carrying a huge cactus!


We also asked Lisa for her advice to new plant parents or someone curious about owning plants. She again reminds plant parents that a little tender loving care is key to turning a rough-looking plant into the new light of your life. She also advises finding a plant community and investing in some extra help for your plants. 


 Don't be afraid to buy plants from the discount section! They really just need some TLC. 

Join the Houseplant Hobbyist group on Facebook. There is a wealth of knowledge, plant memes, and really cool people in it. some grow lights, your indoor cacti and succulents will thank you. 

Love stories and horror stories 

We had to ask about favorites and if Lisa had ever killed a houseplant. She had trouble picking just one favorite (instead she picked four) and she had one plant meet an untimely demise. Don’t feel bad, Lisa, it happens to all of us - even the pros. 


I can't pick just one favorite! I love my golden pothos, wandering dude, golden barrel cactus, and giant cactus the most. I love them all, though.

I once killed a pitcher plant. They need really high light and high humidity and I didn't give it either one. 

Sharing the plant love 

Lisa’s love of plants has made its way into the lives of those around her, especially her fiance. This seems like a match made in plant parent heaven! 

My fiancé is a plant dad. For our first Valentine's Day 5 years ago, I got him a variegated umbrella tree. He now loves them as much as I do. 

Share your story


If you love reading real life accounts of plant parenthood from our Real Life Plant Parents, go ahead and share your story to be featured in a future post!

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